Saturday, August 28, 2010

moving the blog...

I'm moving this blog to as it will allow room for your comments, and much more interaction.

I hope it's not too inconvenient for you to change your bookmarks and links. The new website is almost ready...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Grand Day Out! (Any other 'Wallace and Gromit' fans out there?)

The Worship Arts Workshop in Rhode Island last saturday was tremendous fun. I love to discuss the use of the arts in worship, and when the place is swarming with enthusiasts*, 'my joy is made complete'.
It's been suggested that I should post about the main points that came up, and provide some food for thought and further discussion... so I'll be writing more regularly over the next days and weeks about the 'live issues' and thoughts moving in some interesting directions.

Thanks to Jeff Olson and Christ Church, East Greenwich RI for hosting the day.

*enthusiast = someone notable for having 'God inside' (from the Greek en Theos)