A view from the local Covenant church. The title is a respectful nod toward 'Pietisten', (a significant publication, and redolent of a major philosophical influence in Covenant history) and not a vain attempt to seem special or different.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
moving the blog...
I hope it's not too inconvenient for you to change your bookmarks and links. The new website is almost ready...
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(c)tribuneindia |
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Grand Day Out! (Any other 'Wallace and Gromit' fans out there?)
It's been suggested that I should post about the main points that came up, and provide some food for thought and further discussion... so I'll be writing more regularly over the next days and weeks about the 'live issues' and thoughts moving in some interesting directions.
Thanks to Jeff Olson and Christ Church, East Greenwich RI for hosting the day.
*enthusiast = someone notable for having 'God inside' (from the Greek en Theos)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Disparate thoughts on Prayer and Worship
2) Can new vocabulary build/extend or progress in the devotional relationship?
The quality of communication, the vocabulary, the length of time spent and thoughtful consideration behind the conversation at least reflect the nature of the relationship.
I think we humans tend to limit God...Prayer - and other vocabulary used in worship - can be seen as essentially 'one side' of the conversation, answering and in response to the Word and the Spirit. We like to stay in control, in familiar territory.
Prejudice warning: I think we humans tend to limit God, (for instance when we) control the ways and words He uses to speak to us, to reduce Him to manageable concepts which fit our understanding and stop Him from saying something unexpected or counter-productive.
With our in-built preference for music we know, and our liking for the familiar, the congregation is always going to opt for well-known, popular material in it's most familiar form. Nothing wrong with that, on the face of it. But they also need to trust that when we introduce something new, different or unfamiliar, it's worthy of their attention. That's not always an easy trust to gain; when we do get it, such a trust is hard-won.
'Modern' thought focused on how concepts in the Word inform our intellect, but also allowed that the Spirit can communicate at a sub-linguistic level (ie. tongues, music). In 'post-modern' times, we may experience (and prefer) the Word communicating in other-than intellectual media (audio-visual, story, etc). However, for the cautious modern mind, this has the danger of a lack of intellectual control; the narrative undermines the modern need for constraint and categorization.
We love to say "God never..." or God always..." but the Bible doesn't encourage this in many cases.
The exceptions? God never changes (Heb 13.8), His loving-kindness endures forever (Psalm 136), nothing is impossible with God... (Lk 1.37).
Feel free to add more texts in comments...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Feedback: Bethany's favorites...
I'm compiling a document of all the responses I've received to this request. It can be found here:
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Whole Mission of the Church...
Lord of all
Geoff Twigg
©Marks of Christ
Lord of all, we bow before You,
Overwhelmed by saving grace.
We, who gather to adore you,
Love your presence, seek your face.
Come, Almighty, stand among us;
‘God with us’ in all we do.
By your Spirit come, inspire us,
Speak your word to us anew.
Lord, transform us as we worship!
Spirits, hearts and minds make one;
Father, by your grace unite us,
In the Kingdom of your Son.
Side by side in adoration,
Holy hands held high in prayer,
Joy expressed in celebration,
Selfless giving, tireless care.
Christ whose glory fires our vision
Sends us out to every land!
Christ the Lord of each decision,
His Commission, our command!
Show his love and give him glory!
Follow in his servant ways!
Lips and lives that tell his story
Crown our songs of glorious praise!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Confession, Grace
©Marks of Christ
Father I have sinned against you,
Failed to do what's right
I have walked alone in darkness
Hiding from the light
Father I have run away
From what I know is true
Now I turn around and I am
Coming home to you
I have sinned, I have broken your law,
I'm returning once more, home to you
I have sinned, I am seeking your face
I return by your grace, home to you
Whole Mission of the Church, Discipleship, Centrality of the Word
Geoff Twigg
©Marks of Christ
As I walk this land, teach my heart to care, Lord
Guided by your hand, make my life a prayer, for
Though we tend to stray from You
Your power to save
Redeems the life we lose.
Make my life a prayer…
Representing Christ; the fragrance of an offering
Comfort in despair, healing to the suffering
Let me walk as Jesus walked
In humble grace
To speak the truth in love;
Make my life a prayer…
Just as I was lost when Jesus came and found me
Let your kingdom come, in and all around me
Let me find on every street
Your word to feed
Each hungry soul I meet
Make my life a prayer…
By my every word, and by my behavior
Show the world your grace, let them see the Savior
Spirit-filled, a holy flame
In Jesus name
To light a world of shame
Make my life a prayer…
Spiritual Formation
Geoff Twigg
©Marks of Christ
Majestic in glory forever,
In character, perfect and pure
Your righteousness shines like the stars in the heavens,
Your justice eternal and sure
And as we consider these mysteries,
Beyond all the wonders we know
Our highest art cannot express
All the beauty of holiness.
Unworthy but welcome before You
Unlovely but loved by our Lord
A troubled creation, remade and renewed,
We’re ransomed, redeemed and restored!
But, as we consider these mysteries
Beyond all the wonders we know
Our highest art cannot express
All the beauty of holiness.
Sin’s penalty paid by the priest
In sovereignty crowned with compassion
The Lord gives His life for the least.
And throws open the gates to a feast…
So, as we behold Your perfection
(Which language but poorly describes)
Create, for Your praise, a reflection that shows
Your mercy and grace in our lives
And Lord, as we mirror these mysteries
Inviting Your likeness to grow
May our hearts and minds and tongues confess
All the beauty of holiness.
(Our thankful hearts are ever blessed
By the beauty of holiness
And our souls will find eternal rest
In the beauty of holiness)
Conscious Dependence on the Holy Spirit, Centrality of the Word...
Geoff Twigg
©Marks of Christ
You have called me to a life
Of sacrificial love
To reach beyond emotion
To commitment and devotion
You have called me to be true,
And in faith to follow You
To count my life as loss
See the Crown beyond the Cross
O Lord I need Your Spirit and Your Word
To light my way and make my steps secure
And though I have not loved You as I should
I will learn to love You more
As I kneel in humble prayer
In Your grace, You meet me there
A thirsty soul restored
In communion with my Lord!
Sweetest hours I’d gladly spend
With my Savior and my friend
That Your light in all I do
Leads the world to honor You
Oh fill me with Your Spirit, speak Your Word
To strengthen, make my failing heart more sure
And though I do not love You as I should
I will learn to love You more
O thank You for Your Spirit and Your Word
Come sanctify my life and make me pure
For though I do not love You as I should
I will learn to love You more
Fellowship, our identity in Christ
Geoff Twigg
©Marks of Christ
We are the Church, the Bride of Christ
Cleansed by the blood of sacrifice
Filled with his Spirit, made his own
And drawn to worship him alone.
We are the Church, the Lamb of God
Has bought us with his precious blood.
We kneel together at his feet
Where justice, love and mercy meet.
We are the Church, met in his name.
Christ's grace and glory to proclaim!
From heaven to earth and earth to heaven
Resounds the news of sins forgiven.
We are the Church; his body here
To demonstrate in holy fear
That all the world in us may find
Christ's saving love for all mankind.
We are the Church, he bids us give
Example by the way we live;
Relying on his power to prove
Obedience and self-giving love.
We are the Church, the Savior's Bride!
Eternal joy waits, at his side!
While, seeking here his glorious ways
We tune our hearts, rehearse his praise.
We are the Church; one Lord we own
We join to bow before his throne
And with One Spirit ever sing
A song of love to Christ our King!
Unity, Fellowship (an antidote to our diversity?)
Words and Music by Geoff Twigg©Marks of Christ
Sin had enslaved us, the punishment was made for us
The price of rebellion and shame
Your mercy saved us; the debt we owed was paid for us
We’re guilty but You took the blame.
Our demonstration, the way to live displayed for us
Becoming like You is our aim
Your Holy Nation, we know that You have prayed for us,
That we would be one in Your name
Kneeling together at the foot of the cross
We rise forgiven, by Your grace!
Feeding the hungry, Reaching out to the lost,
Lifting our voices in praise!
One Lord, One Church – we unite by Your Spirit!
One heart, one voice - we delight in Your love!
One hope, one faith, You invite us to celebrate You
“Come be the Bride of the Lamb, The Holy One!”
Now we’re invited to build a new community
Your Spirit has brought us new birth
And we’re excited to demonstrate in unity
The Kingdom of God on the earth
Repeat Bridge, Chorus
Conscious Dependence on the Holy Spirit
I need You
Geoff Twigg
©Marks of Christ
Deep in the wilderness I cry aloud - I need You, need You
My heart is humbled and my knees are bowed
I need You, need You
More than the good things You provide each day
My life’s sustained by every word You say
Lord I depend on You in every way
I need You, need You, need You.
Teach me, dear Lord that I am not my own
I need You, need You
No other King can ever take Your throne
I need You, need You
Your Kingdom come, O Lord I daily pray
Your Will be done – I promise to obey
I’m gonna follow Jesus, come what may
I need You, need You, need You.
No other beauty will distract my gaze
I need You, need You
No other love will ever gain my praise
I need You, need You
No other purpose makes my life worthwhile
No other calling than to be Your child
No other pleasure than to see Your smile
I need You, need You, need You.
The Whole Mission of the Church
Words & Music by Geoff Twigg
©Marks of Christ
Verse 1:
This is a holy place
The Lord is very near
Turning to seek His face
We sense His presence here
The Father's grace has
Made us worthy to come
Our sins forgiven
By the death of His Son
Verse 2:
This is a listening hour
And all our hearts are stirred
Who, by the Spirit's power
Hear and obey His word
High in the darkness
Like a tower on a hill
His light will guide us as
We walk in His will
Verse 3:
All who are suffering
There is a welcome here
Healing our Lord can bring
Comfort that dries each tear!
We serve the Savior
By whose love we are known
In grateful service for
The mercy He's shown
Verse 4:
We seek to follow Him
Lead others in His way
To turn away from sin
Grow more like Christ each day
Exalting Jesus our example and Lord
Friends and disciples in the
Light of His word
Verse 5:
Once more, from Heaven's throne
We hear our Lord's command!
Go, make the gospel known
Preach Christ in every land!
His voice is calling!
How on earth will they know?
God's love is burning
In our hearts as we go...
To obey the great commandments
To fulfill the great Commission
And to do it all to the glory of God!
To become more like the Savior
Worship Him and love our neighbor
And to do it all to the glory of God!